Integrate AI and the human
intelligence to optimize patient

Deep Bio
Deep Bio was founded with the transformative mission: To advance patient outcomes by driving innovation in technology, while empowering clinicians by providing the tools to make critical decisions. We envision a world where clinicians are empowered with technology designed to unlock personalized insights and enhance healthcare delivery, so they can focus more on what they do best: caring for their patients.
Solving Unmet Medical
Needs with the Power of AI
1 Challenges
Pathology is a field of medicine where specimen samples such as organ, body tissue, or body fluids are examined to diagnose presence and severity of disease including cancer. In current practice, pathologists examine glass slides of processed specimens, using microscopes.
Traditional Pathology Workflow
- Step 1 Biopsy is performed on a patient with clinical suspicion of cancer.
- Step 2 Tissue specimen is processed, mounted and stained on glass slides for examination.
- Step 3 A pathologist examines the glass slides on a microscope and issues a final diagnosis that determine the follow up and treatment care for the patient.
Traditional Pathology Workflow (for Prostate Cancer)
- Step 1 Prostate needle biopsy is performed on a patient with clinical suspicion of prostate cancer.
- Step 2 Tissue specimen is processed, mounted and stained on glass slides for examination.
- Step 3 A pathologist examines the glass slides on a microscope and issues a diagnosis based on the Gleason Scoring System.
2 Technology
We are a world leader in technological capability based on deep learning.
3 Solutions
Dedicated to tackling the challenges in pathology and improving diagnostic workflow, Deep Bio is developing and implementing deep learning-based cancer diagnostic support software.

Benefits of using DeepDx®
Deep Bio's deep learning-based cancer diagnostic support software minimizes the risk of human error from manual handling and subjectivity of pathologist assessment resulting in decreased turnaround time, more precise and consistent diagnostic results, and improved reproducibility. Precise classification and quantification of different morphological patterns and cells offer new insights and relationships that can help medical professionals optimize their decisions and determine the best treatment options for patients.
We are a team dedicated to
innovating traditional
I can instantly check the results from DeepDx® Prostate with a simple click of a button -sometimes revealing small areas of concern that I would have missed had I not had the tool running in the background.