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    Powerful AI
    solutions for cancer
    pathology diagnostic support

    AI-based cancer pathology
    image analysis solutions

    Available with & without DeepDx® Viewer

    6 Solutions

    Products under development

    9 Products

  • An algorithm that automatically detects, segments and quantifies Ki-67 expression in breast cancer.

    Breast Ki-67

  • An Al model that performs segmentation and whole-slide scoring to provide measurements of ER receptor status in breast cancer. This algorithm allows pathologists to quickly and accurately identify breast cancer patients who are candidates for hormonal therapy, which can substantially improve their survival.

    Breast ER IHC

  • An Al model that performs segmentation and whole-slide scoring to provide measurements of PR receptor status in breast cancer. This algorithm allows pathologists to quickly and accurately identify breast cancer patients who are candidates for hormonal therapy, which can substantially improve their survival.

    Breast PR IHC

  • An Al model for the analysis of multiple (Prostate, Breast, Stomach, Lung) frozen-tissue types for cancer detection and segmentation.

    Frozen Section

  • An algorithm that analyzes WSis of breast core needle biopsies and excisional biopsies to detect breast cancer.

    Breast - Biopsy

  • An Al model that detects cancer area on a digitized image of ovarian surgical biopsy specimen and predicts the presence of BRCA 1/2 mutations.

    Ovary BRCA H&E

  • An Al model that aims to establish detailed standards to identify patients with NSCLC [Non-small Cell Lung Cancer] for treatment using c-MET inhibitors. As the algorithm detects and quantifies c-MET expression more accurately, it facilitates a decrease in inter-observer discrepancy among pathologists.

    Lung c-MET IHC

  • An advanced algorithm for segmentation and automatic IHC scoring of HER2 in breast cancer. The algorithm helps identify patients eligible for HER2 targeted therapy.

    Breast HER2

  • An algorithm for segmentation and automated PD-L1 scoring in NSCLC (Non-small Cell Lung Cancer).

    Lung PD-L1 IHC

  • DeepCDx™

    At Deep Bio, we're at the forefront of transforming drug discovery through harnessing the full potential of data and AI. Our AI-enabled drug discovery solutions help guide biopharmaceutical companies in their quest to bring new drugs to market. DeepCDx combines state-of-the-art AI technology with a client-driven approach to develop purpose-built diagnostic solutions that accelerate the pace of discovery and drive innovation.

    To Learn More Download

    Advanced deep
    learning technology
    to provide unmatched

    Core Technology that sets us apart

    Our patented methods have been trained on thousands of cases to yield instantaneous and precise analysis of data.

    World-class patents in:
    • 01

      Deep learning-based diagnostics

    • 02

      Diagnostic result visualization

    • 03

      Tissue slide indexing technology

    • 04

      Intelligent annotation technology

    Awards & Recognition

    • Edison Awards - Silver

      DeepDx Prostate won Silver at the Edison Award 2021 in the Cellular Research & Disease Prevention category.

    • Camelyon17 Grand Challenge

      Our research team won the first place in Camelyon17, a global image analysis competition for detection and classification of breast cancer lymph nodes metastasis.

    R&D to innovate medical AI

    AI-based Predictive Analytics
    in Cancer Pathology

    Development of prediction models by combining cancer pathology image analysis with oncology clinical data.


    DeepDx® Prostate is CE-marked, and MFDS-approved for clinical use in Korea. DeepDx® solutions are not cleared by the FDA and for Research Use Only (RUO) in the United States. Contact Deep Bio for more information on system configuration, functionality and indications for use.