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    DeepDx® Prostate – CNB

    AI software for prostate cancer


    DeepDx® Prostate is a clinically validated and CE-marked AI diagnostic support software for prostate cancer. The software analyzes digitized slide images of Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) stained prostate specimens to detect and localize areas of interest. These areas of interest are detected based on their severity in accordance with the Gleason Scoring System.

    Key Features
    • 01

      Approved by Korea MFDS, and CE marked
    • 02

      Procedure Type

      Needle biopsy, TURP and Prostatectomy (Coming Soon)

    • 03

      Extensively Tested

      700k+ cores analyzed

    • 04

      Versatile Deployment

      Cloud & On-Premise

    • 01
      AI-based diagnostics support

      AI analysis includes ROI detection, Gleason scores, grade group, and quantification of important matrix.

    • 02
      Fast and Accurate

      It takes 30 seconds to run the AI analysis (per core), and improves accuracy with 99% sensitivity and 97% specificity.

    • 03

      DeepDx® Prostate validation studies were published in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals including Cancers and npj Digital Medicine.

    • 04

      DeepDx® Prostate generates consistency as a diagnostics support software.

    Key Functions & Features

    • Colored Overlays

      DeepDx® Prostate generates three different colored overlays based on the Gleason patterns 3, 4, and 5.

    • Tumor & Pattern Quantification

      The proportions of each Gleason pattern out of the total tumor area and tumor-to-tissue ratios are automatically quantified.

    • Real-time Modification

      Quantitative metrics such as tumor-to-tissue ratios and Gleason pattern ratios are recalculated in real time as annotations are made.

    • Annotation Tools

      Annotation tools allow the user to modify the AI analysis results. Automatic measurements of total tissue and total tumor lengths are also generated.

    DeepDx® Prostate can be used in a variety of use settings
    including first read, concurrent read, quality control,
    research and development, and education.