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    DeepDx ® Viewer

    Pathology Whole Slide Image Management Solution


    DeepDx ® Viewer provides multiple image control functions and management features for DeepDx ® cancer pathology algorithms. DeepDx Viewer is but one of the many viewers that can be used with DeepDx ® image analysis algorithms.

    We bring value
    into your workflow

    • 01
      Easy Control

      Shows entire slide in different magnifications on the monitor and provides multiple image control functions & features.

    • 02

      Enables pathologists to view the same slides and cooperate remotely.

    Key Functions & Features

    • Region Divider

      Divides slide images into multiple regions during uploading of the slides.

    • Case Navigator

      Displays all slides associated with a case as thumbnails.

    • Viewing Tools

      Allows users to manipulate the view with screen capture, image rotation, zoom controller, mini-map, and scaler tools.

    • Side Panel

      Provides quick access to report, annotation, and AI analysis.